According to, 25 percent of all car crashes in Delaware can be blamed, in part, for distracted driving. Distracted driving,, causes approximately 3,000 deaths per year.

Distracted driving is any activity while driving that diverts the driver’s attention away from the road. This includes talking or texting on the phone, eating and drinking, and talking to other people in the vehicle. Cell phone usage is one of the most common driving distractions.

Distracted driving is a dangerous traffic violation as it can put you, your passengers, and other people on the road in danger. It is a choice, and it’s also preventable. If you have been hit—and hurt—by a distracted driver, contact our legal team today: (302) 428-8800.

What is Inattentive Driving?

Any condition or event that causes a driver to pay less attention to the road is considered inattentive driving. Inattentive drivers are possibly the most dangerous type of driver as they endanger others without knowing it.

The age group with the most significant proportion of inattentive drivers is the under 20 age group. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, young drivers are involved in more fatal crashes than other drivers due to inattentive driving.

For example, if they’re not paying attention, they could cause a car accident if there’s a sudden stop, traffic jam, or construction. If caught by law enforcement, inattentive driving can result in two points off the driver’s record.

Is There a Difference Between Distracted and Inattentive Driving?

There are three categories of distracted driving, and inattentive driving is one of them. This includes manual distractions, visual distractions, and cognitive distractions. Inattentive driving is a result of the latter.

There is a slight difference between distracted and inattentive driving, though there’s the same harm in the consequences. Distracted driving refers primarily to tangible things that consume the driver—a cell phone, eating or talking, or playing with the radio.

Inattentive driving, on the other hand, is when a driver can’t fully concentrate on the road due to visual or cognitive disruptions. This might include watching the scenic views rather than the road or daydreaming about a vacation.

How Can an Attorney Help Me?

Car accidents are one of the number one causes of personal injury. With this, it’s no surprise that distracted, and inattentive driving plays a role—almost 45 percent of all crashes or near-crashes involve them. These are dangerous behaviors on the road, diverting your attention from the road and putting other people in danger.

Distracted or inattentive driving can increase your chances of a car wreck. They can cause catastrophic injuries and require extensive medical treatment, including brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and ligaments.

Suppose you are the victim of a car accident and believe distracted or inattentive driving is at play. In that case, our legal team can help you pursue compensation and recover damages due to your injuries. Contact our experienced legal team for advice on dating a personal injury claim: (302) 428-8800.